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Beaphar No Stress Spot On Dog drops



Beaphar No Stress Spot On – calming drops. Anti-stress effect for dogs with nervous anxiety or panic attacks due to valerian extract. The product works on the principle of slow release and long-lasting effectiveness.

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Beaphar No Stress Spot On – calming drops. Anti-stress effect for dogs with nervous anxiety or panic attacks due to valerian extract. The product works on the principle of slow release and long-lasting effectiveness.

Use Beaphar No Stress Spot On in cases of: excessive anxiety, changes in environment, visits to the vet, travel, thunderstorms or fireworks, and other stressful situations. Suitable for all breeds and age groups.

The effect of one application lasts 1 week.

The package contains 3 pipettes of 0.7 ml each.

Natural valerian extract 0.02%.

One 0.7 ml pipette is intended for one application.

Once a week, apply one pipette to the skin at the dog’s withers so that the animal cannot lick the product. The valerian extract is activated within one hour after application. Warning: do not use on sick or recovering animals. Individual intolerance to the components of the product. Allergic reactions are possible.

Baxırsınız: Beaphar No Stress Spot On Dog drops 18,60 
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