Complete dog food A delicious and meaty dog food with rabbit for added nutrition and flavour in any dog’s diet. Because it’s rich in animal proteins, it supports and improves your pet’s digestion.
85% chicken (chicken meat, liver, hearts, necks, stomachs), 10% rabbit, 3.6% rice, 0.9% broth, 0.5% collagen
Analitik maddələr:
moisture 68.0%, crude protein 12.0%, crude fat 9.5%, crude ash 5.0%, crude fibre 0.5%
Qidalanma tərkibi:
vitamin D3 (E671) 250 IU, vitamin E (3a700) 100 mg, zinc (3b606) 12 mg, iron (E1) 10 mg, manganese (E5) 2 mg, iodine (3b201) 0.7 mg, copper (E4) 0.5 mg, biotin (3a880) 0.2 mg
Metabolizable energy:
1505 kcal/kg