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Mövcudluq: Stokda

Monge Jele Yetkin Pişik Quzu 85 q



Chunks in jelly characterized by firm texture and a pleasant aroma typical of cooked meat. New Zealand lamb, the main source of animal protein, is delicate and characterized by high nutritional value and effective in improving intestinal digestion. The salmon oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, with beneficial effects on coat and skin shine. The recipe is also formulated without the use of cereals.


Chunks in jelly characterized by firm texture and a pleasant aroma typical of cooked meat. New Zealand lamb, the main source of animal protein, is delicate and characterized by high nutritional value and effective in improving intestinal digestion. The salmon oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, with beneficial effects on coat and skin shine. The recipe is also formulated without the use of cereals.

Baxırsınız: Monge Jele Yetkin Pişik Quzu 85 q 2,00 
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