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Mövcudluq: Stokda

Royal Canin Yaş qida pişiklər üçün Saç və Dəri 85 q



Wet food for adult cats. A variety of nutrients are required to renew and maintain the health of skin and coat cells. The Hair and Skin product, small pieces in jelly, provides the optimal nutrient balance needed for the beauty of the coat and skin tone of adult cats aged 1 to 7 years.


Wet food for adult cats. A variety of nutrients are required to renew and maintain the health of skin and coat cells. The Hair and Skin product, small pieces in jelly, provides the optimal nutrient balance needed for the beauty of the coat and skin tone of adult cats aged 1 to 7 years.


• Supports optimal weight

• Scientifically proven macronutrient profile

• Helps maintain urinary tract health

• 100% complete and balanced nutrition


Caring for a cat’s coat requires special attention, especially for long-haired cats. However, providing the cat with all the necessary nutrients will definitely help the cat reveal its beauty potential: the coat will become shinier and silkier.

ROYAL CANIN® Hair and Skin in jelly is characterized by a high content of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which promote coat shine and skin health. ROYAL CANIN® Hair and Skin in jelly also helps the cat maintain an optimal weight due to its low fat content and optimal protein levels, which help preserve and build muscle mass.

The health and function of the urinary system are also supported by ROYAL CANIN® Hair and Skin in jelly. To meet the individual preferences of each cat.

Baxırsınız: Royal Canin Yaş qida pişiklər üçün Saç və Dəri 85 q 3,50 
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