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Mövcudluq: Stokda

Beaphar Səməni Pastası 25 q



Malt paste promotes natural cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract in cats and kittens, helping to eliminate swallowed hair. It addresses issues like vomiting, loss of appetite, intestinal blockages, and constipation. Regular use of malt paste can prevent serious health problems for your pet.

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Malt paste promotes natural cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract in cats and kittens, helping to eliminate swallowed hair. It addresses issues like vomiting, loss of appetite, intestinal blockages, and constipation. Regular use of malt paste can prevent serious health problems for your pet.

The action of malt paste is based on the properties of malt extract, which helps soften hairballs that accumulate in the digestive tract from grooming. This facilitates the smooth passage of hair through the digestive system, allowing it to be eliminated naturally in the feces without causing unwanted vomiting or constipation.

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