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Mövcudluq: Stokda

VEDA Котэрвин (packaging)



For the treatment and prevention of urolithiasis and urological syndrome, 3 vials of 10ml each.

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For the treatment and prevention of urolithiasis and urological syndrome, 3 vials of 10ml each.

Koterwin is used for the prevention and treatment of urological syndrome and urolithiasis in cats.

KOTERWIN is a plant-based medicinal product designed for the prevention and treatment of urinary tract diseases in cats, including:

  • Urological syndrome in cats
  • Urolithiasis
  • Cystitis

It has salt-excreting, stone-dissolving (except oxalates), diuretic, and anti-inflammatory effects. The drug KOTERWIN® has also proven its effectiveness in the treatment of urolithiasis in dogs.

Instructions for Use

Koterwin is administered orally for prophylactic purposes and to prevent disease recurrence at a daily dose of 2-4 ml per animal for 5-7 days. The treatment course is repeated every 3-4 months.

For the treatment of urological syndrome and the initial stages of urolithiasis, Koterwin® is administered at 2-4 ml orally twice a day for 5-7 days. The use of the medicinal product should be combined with symptomatic treatments.

In the absence of spontaneous urination in the animal, in addition to oral administration, the drug is introduced into the bladder (after urine evacuation) using a catheter at 10-16 ml once every two days.

Koterwin does not contain preservatives, so the following requirements should be observed when using it: for oral administration, uncork the vial, place a dropper cap on the neck, and administer the drug into the mouth by pressing (3 times) on the dropper, or administer the drug from a teaspoon (0.5 teaspoon). Koterwin® can be added to drinking water or milk. The remaining drug can be stored in the refrigerator for 7 days without removing the dropper cap.

When introducing the drug into the bladder to avoid contamination, draw 10-16 ml of Koterwin from an unopened vial with a syringe and sterile needle, then replace the needle with a sterile catheter and insert it into the bladder. Before use, warm the drug to room temperature and shake well.

Baxırsınız: VEDA Котэрвин (packaging) 11,00 
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