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Mövcudluq: Stokda

İtlər üçün qaşınma dayandırıcı



Stop-Itch Suspension is prescribed to dogs and cats for the treatment of inflammatory and allergic skin diseases (such as atopic dermatitis, eczema, diffuse neurodermatitis, itching, alopecia, reactions to insect bites).

Kateqoriyalar: ,


Stop-Itch Suspension for dogs, 15 mL.

Indications for Use
Stop-Itch Suspension is prescribed to dogs and cats for the treatment of inflammatory and allergic skin diseases (such as atopic dermatitis, eczema, diffuse neurodermatitis, itching, alopecia, reactions to insect bites).

Stop-Itch Suspension is administered orally to animals in the morning feeding with a small amount of food or forcibly using a dose syringe once a day.

Contraindications to the use of Stop-Itch Suspension include increased individual sensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug (including in the medical history), the vaccination period, viral diseases, and diabetes.

Features and Benefits
Ready-to-use medicinal form, easily dosed by weight and convenient for use even in small animals.
Enhanced skin-restorative action provided by the vitamins B (niacinamide, pyridoxine, riboflavin), methionine, and succinic acid, which inhibit inflammatory processes.

Baxırsınız: İtlər üçün qaşınma dayandırıcı 25,00 
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