8in1 Delights Chicken Twisted Sticks are made of tasty beefhide and delicious chicken breast and ensure intensive, long-lasting chewing fun for your dog. More than this: while keeping your dog busy, the Twisted Sticks enhance dental care. Due to the natural abrasive action of chewing, tartar is removed from your dog’s teeth and in that way the Twisted Sticks support your dog’s dental health. The low in fat 8in1 Delights Chicken Twisted Sticks perfectly serve as a mouth-watering chew to reward your dog. They are rich in proteins and free from artificial colours and flavour enhancers. Furthermore, neither sugar nor GMO’s, gluten or grains are added to the oven baked chews.
İçərisində dadlı toyuq döşü
Long lasting chewing fun
Yağda azdır
Süni rənglər və ləzzət artırıcılar yoxdur
Çeynəmənin təbii aşındırıcı təsiri sayəsində diş baxımının artırılması
Zülallarla zəngindir
No added sugar, GMOs, gluten or grains
Fırında bişmiş