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Ex-5 для регулирования сексуального тепла у кошек и собак.



The active ingredient in EX-5, megestrol acetate, affects the hypothalamic-pituitary system, blocking the secretion of gonadotropic hormones (FSH and LH). This provides anti-estrogenic and anti-ovulatory effects on the gonads of animals, resulting in the suppression of sexual heat. Megestrol acetate also exhibits significant anti-glucocorticoid activity. It is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, metabolized in the liver to conjugates, and excreted (as metabolites) via urine and feces. After discontinuation of the preparation, 90% of the total dose is excreted from the animal’s body within 15 days.


EX-5 contains 20 mg of megestrol acetate per 1 ml as the active ingredient.

Pharmacological Action:
The active ingredient in EX-5, megestrol acetate, affects the hypothalamic-pituitary system, blocking the secretion of gonadotropic hormones (FSH and LH). This provides anti-estrogenic and anti-ovulatory effects on the gonads of animals, resulting in the suppression of sexual heat. Megestrol acetate also exhibits significant anti-glucocorticoid activity. It is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, metabolized in the liver to conjugates, and excreted (as metabolites) via urine and feces. After discontinuation of the preparation, 90% of the total dose is excreted from the animal’s body within 15 days.

EX-5 is used for female dogs and cats to interrupt and delay estrus (shifting its onset), to avoid accidental mating, and to prevent unwanted offspring; for male dogs and cats to reduce sexual activity and correct behavioral problems during sexual heat (reducing aggressiveness, increased excitability, hypersexuality, and the tendency to mark territory). The dose depends on the animal’s sex and the purpose of use.

Contraindications for the use of EX-5 suspensions and tablets include increased individual sensitivity of the animal to the components of the preparations. The preparations are contraindicated for animals with reproductive system diseases (pyometra, metritis, endometritis, etc.), mammary gland tumors, diabetes, animals before sexual maturity, and pregnant or lactating females. It is not recommended to use the preparation for young animals during their first estrus due to the difficulty of determining the cycle’s start time.

Побочные эффекты:
When used according to the instructions, side effects and complications are generally not observed. With prolonged or repeated use, possible changes in character (aggressiveness or depression), enlargement of mammary glands, increased appetite, and associated weight gain may occur.

Method of Administration and Dosage:
Suspensions are administered orally in the form of drops; tablets are administered forcibly to the root of the tongue or crushed into a powder with a small amount of treat 1-2 hours before the main feeding of the animal. The date of the onset of estrus and the date of starting the preparation should be recorded.

Вы просматриваете: Ex-5 для регулирования сексуального тепла у кошек и собак. 8,00 
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