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Широкий ассортимент продукции

Доступность: В наличии

Суспензия Паразител для кошек и котят.



Parazitel for cats is an anthelmintic medication in the form of a suspension for adult cats and kittens. It is designed to treat and prevent infections caused by major types of roundworms and tapeworms. The active ingredients include pyrantel pamoate and praziquantel.


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Method of administration and dosage: For prophylactic and therapeutic deworming of nematode and cestode infestations, as well as mixed infections in cats and kittens, the medication should be administered at a rate of 1 ml per 1 kg of body weight as a single dose. It is recommended to administer the medication to kittens from 3 weeks of age, 10 days before vaccination, to pregnant cats in the second half of pregnancy under veterinary supervision, and to nursing cats 3 weeks after giving birth under veterinary supervision. In cases of severe infestation, repeat treatment should be done after 10 days. Prophylactic deworming should be conducted once every 3 months.

Description: Parazitel for cats is an anthelmintic medication in the form of a suspension for adult cats and kittens. It is designed to treat and prevent infections caused by major types of roundworms and tapeworms. The active ingredients include pyrantel pamoate and praziquantel.

Показания: Prevention and treatment of nematode and cestode infestations in cats and kittens.

Вы просматриваете: Суспензия Паразител для кошек и котят. 13,00 
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