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NPSC Vet Diet Gastro Белая рыба Взрослые собаки всех пород 1,5 кг


NATURE’S PROTECTION SUPERIOR CARE VETERINARY DIET Gastrointestinal for Adult All Breed Dogs with White Fish is a Super Premium complete and well-balanced dry dog food specially formulated to meet the specific health needs of dogs with certain medical conditions. These types of food provide the veterinary diet with an efficient balance of nutrients and support the pet’s health and well-being. The composition of this product is formulated to soothe the digestive tract, promote healthy digestion, and control symptoms such as digestive issues, chronic diarrhea, or vomiting.

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NATURE’S PROTECTION SUPERIOR CARE VETERINARY DIET Gastrointestinal for Adult All Breed Dogs with White Fish is a Super Premium complete and well-balanced dry dog food specially formulated to meet the specific health needs of dogs with certain medical conditions. These types of food provide the veterinary diet with an efficient balance of nutrients and support the pet’s health and well-being. The composition of this product is formulated to soothe the digestive tract, promote healthy digestion, and control symptoms such as digestive issues, chronic diarrhea, or vomiting.

Вы просматриваете: NPSC Vet Diet Gastro Белая рыба Взрослые собаки всех пород 1,5 кг 35,00 
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