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Supramil tablets against helminths for dogs up to 5 kg



Indications for use: Intended for the treatment and prevention of infection of animals with roundworms and tapeworms, as well as for the prevention of dirofilariasis.

Dosage form: Package of 2 tablets (1 tablet per 2.5 kg of animal weight)

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Supramil – a drug with incredible taste appeal for the gentle protection of puppies and dogs from helminths. Intended for the treatment and prevention of infection of animals with round and tapeworms, as well as for the prevention of dirofilariasis.


R-praziquantel, milbemycin.

The result is noticeable immediately.
What do studies say? Puppies and dogs participating in the drug’s clinical trials were 100% cured of infection with round and tapeworms after the first application of Supramil.

This means that after a single use, the drug helps to solve the problem of internal parasite infestation.

A new level of safety.
The increased safety of Supramil is provided by R-praziquantel. Advanced technologies in the development of anthelmintic drugs have significantly improved the safety profile of Supramil compared to any worm remedy based on traditional praziquantel.

Research results indicate that the drug was safe for all animals participating in the experiment. Allergies, adverse effects on the body, and irritation are absent. All animals are healthy and feel great.

Supramil has a unique patented composition.

Special taste advantages.
A second, and the tablet disappears in the mouth of a satisfied pet. Do you think this is a fairy tale? No, now this is reality. Supramil is impressive anthelmintic action and safety, as well as incredible taste appeal. You easily give your pet a small tablet in a special meat-flavored shell, and he eats it on his own without additional effort.

Supramil, thank you for the taste! Now the torment of giving your pet an anthelmintic is a thing of the past.

Principle of action

The active components R-praziquantel and milbemycin oxime contained in the preparation provide its broad-spectrum anthelmintic action.

Milbemycin oxime is a macrocyclic lactone obtained as a result of the enzymatic activity of Streptomyces hygroscopicus var. Aureolacrimosus, active against the larvae and adults of nematodes parasitizing in the gastrointestinal tract of dogs, as well as the larvae of the nematode Dirofilaria immitis.

The mechanism of action of milbemycin is due to an increase in the permeability of cell membranes for chloride ions (Cl-), which leads to hyperpolarization of the membranes of nerve and muscle cells, paralysis, and death of sensitive nematodes. The maximum concentration of milbemycin oxime in the blood plasma of dogs is reached within 2-4 hours; the bioavailability is about 80%. The compound is mainly excreted from the body unchanged.

R-praziquantel (left-handed optically active isomer) is a compound of the pyrazinisoquinoline group, the mechanism of its action is based on the induction of tegumental breakdown, stable depolarization of muscle cells of the helminth, disruption of energy metabolism, which causes paralysis and death of cestodes, and contributes to their excretion from the gastrointestinal tract. R-praziquantel is rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, reaching its maximum concentration in the blood plasma within 1-3 hours, reversibly binds to serum proteins (70-80%), is partially metabolized in the liver, re-excreted into the intestine, and is excreted from the body mainly with urine (up to 80%) within 24 hours.

The use of active R-praziquantel in the composition of the drug (instead of a racemic mixture of optical isomers R-praziquantel and S-praziquantel) made it possible to reduce the concentration of the compound while maintaining a high level of cestocidal activity.

Supramil tablets in terms of their effect on the body belong to low-hazard substances (hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007); at recommended doses, it does not have a sensitizing, embryotoxic, and teratogenic effect.

The drug is toxic to bees, as well as fish and other hydrobionts.


Contraindications to the use of Supramil tablets are increased individual sensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug, including in the anamnesis, pronounced impairment of kidney and liver function.

Exhausted, sick with infectious diseases, animals weighing less than 0.5 kg, puppies under 2 weeks of age are not subject to deworming.

Deworming of dogs of the collie, bobtail, sheltie breeds (and their crosses), due to the increased sensitivity of these breeds to macrocyclic lactones, if necessary, it is recommended to be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian.

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