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Amiplay Vision Cairo S Scratch Post qara



A scratching post is an excellent choice for any cat guardian. It satisfies a cat’s needs for play, claw sharpening, and can also serve as a den.


A scratching post is an excellent choice for any cat guardian. It satisfies a cat’s needs for play, claw sharpening, and can also serve as a den. The scratching post is made of cardboard, and as is well known, cats love to scratch such surfaces. It is made from 100% high-quality, eco-friendly materials and is safe for the cat during use. The scratching post is very durable and also double-sided, significantly extending its usage time. Its ergonomic and unique design encourages the cat to scratch, and when placed in the right spot in the home, it also works as a bed.

Baxırsınız: Amiplay Vision Cairo S Scratch Post qara 66,60 
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