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Mövcudluq: Stokda

Pet Tep salfetləri 30 ədəd



Teddy Pets wet wipes are designed for cleaning the paws of pets from outdoor dirt and for caring for the fur and skin of your pet’s paws. They also eliminate odors. Shea butter softens and moisturizes, providing protective and regenerative effects. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant, supporting collagen and elastin synthesis while nourishing the fur intensely and preventing skin aging.


Teddy Pets wet wipes are designed for cleaning the paws of pets from outdoor dirt and for caring for the fur and skin of your pet’s paws. They also eliminate odors. Shea butter softens and moisturizes, providing protective and regenerative effects. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant, supporting collagen and elastin synthesis while nourishing the fur intensely and preventing skin aging.

Size of the wipe: 18*20 cm

Density: 50 g/m2

Baxırsınız: Pet Tep salfetləri 30 ədəd 5,00 
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