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Trixie Fishing Rod Toy with Plush Fish



The Trixie Fishing Rod Toy with Plush Fish is an excellent choice for interactive playtime with your feline friend, allowing you to bond with them while satisfying their natural hunting instincts.

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Trixie Fishing Rod Toy with Plush Fish

  • Description: A 42 cm long fishing rod toy featuring a plush fish attached to a string.
  • Features: The plush fish is designed to resemble a real fish, making it attractive to cats. The string allows you to mimic the movements of a swimming fish, enticing your cat to chase and play.
  • Interactive Play: Engage your cat in interactive play sessions by dangling the plush fish in front of them and encouraging them to swat and pounce.
  • Faydaları: Provides mental and physical stimulation for your cat, helping to keep them entertained and active.

The Trixie Fishing Rod Toy with Plush Fish is an excellent choice for interactive playtime with your feline friend, allowing you to bond with them while satisfying their natural hunting instincts.

Baxırsınız: Trixie Fishing Rod Toy with Plush Fish 6,40 
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