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Mövcudluq: Stokda

Trixie Anti-Dandruff Shampoo 250 ml



  • Anti-dandruff: The shampoo helps get rid of dandruff as they can be hard to leave. Trixie Anti-dandruff shampoo helps maintain a dandruff free coat.
  • Dandruff free: Recurrences of dandruff can be a hassle but this shampoo combats regeneration of dandruff and keeps the coat clean.
  • Shine and soft coat: While maintaining the anti-dandruff goal, the shampoo also provides shine and softness to the coat so it isn’t dry to touch.
  • Natural ingredients: Trixie uses only natural ingredients to make products for your pets so there is no harm to their skin, coat or health in any way.
  • Used by professionals for grooming of pets. An ideal product to provide an easy rinse and decline of dandruff.
Kateqoriyalar: ,


  • Anti-dandruff: The shampoo helps get rid of dandruff as they can be hard to leave. Trixie Anti-dandruff shampoo helps maintain a dandruff free coat.
  • Dandruff free: Recurrences of dandruff can be a hassle but this shampoo combats regeneration of dandruff and keeps the coat clean.
  • Shine and soft coat: While maintaining the anti-dandruff goal, the shampoo also provides shine and softness to the coat so it isn’t dry to touch.
  • Natural ingredients: Trixie uses only natural ingredients to make products for your pets so there is no harm to their skin, coat or health in any way.
  • Used by professionals for grooming of pets. An ideal product to provide an easy rinse and decline of dandruff.
Baxırsınız: Trixie Anti-Dandruff Shampoo 250 ml 8,00 
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