Beaphar Flea & Tick Collar for Dogs contains the insecticide dimpylate that kills fleas & ticks on your dog and prevents their return for up to four months. The brown collar is easy to fit and can be adjusted for comfort. UK authorised veterinary medicine. Suitable for dogs from 3 months of age. UK authorised veterinary medicine. 95% of the flea’s life cycle is in the home. When tackling a flea problem, in addition to treating your pet, for best results use a household insecticide, such as Beaphar FLEAtec Household Flea Spray or Beaphar Household Flea Fogger for your home.
This is a description of a flea and tick collar for dogs aged 6 months and older. The collar is purple and waterproof. It eliminates parasites and protects against re-infestation by fleas for 5 months and ticks for 2.5 months. Diazinon in the collar is released from the surface of the strip, transferred to the skin and fur of the animal, and accumulates in the epidermis, hair follicles, and sebaceous glands. Gradually released onto the skin surface along with gland secretions, diazinon acts as an insecticidal and acaricidal agent against fleas, lice, hair lice, and ticks parasitizing on the animals. The mechanism of action leads to paralysis and death of the parasites.
Beaphar Canishield® Dog Flea & Tick Collar is a veterinary medicine that kills fleas for up to 16 weeks, ticks for up to 6 months and sandflies for up to 5.5 months. Beaphar Canishield® contains the active ingredient deltamethrin, which is slowly released from the collar over time, providing long-lasting protection. For best results, use early in the season before fleas are seen, and at least one week before your dog is likely to be exposed to fleas and ticks. Suitable for all dogs from 7 weeks of age. For best results, use early in the season before fleas are seen, and at least one week before your dog is likely to be exposed to fleas and ticks.
Kitty’s Junior is an ideal addition to the daily diet of kittens aged 6 weeks and older, providing essential vitamins and minerals for healthy development. Biotin ensures healthy skin and coat for your kitten.
This tasty and beneficial supplement is designed to complement your cat’s daily diet, providing essential vitamins and minerals that help strengthen her health and support her immune system.
A complementary food for cats. Kitty’s heart treats are healthy and delicious. They contain Vitamin B, extracted from natural yeast, vitamins C and E, and many essential minerals. In addition, the treats contain taurine, which is good for the heart, brain and eyesight, and biotin for a healthy skin and coat.
These treats are designed for kittens and cats from 6 weeks of age onward, providing essential vitamins, minerals, and microelements necessary for maintaining your pet’s health. They are not only nutritious but also tasty, helping to strengthen your cat’s immune system.
Kitty's Junior pişik balaları üçün biotinli pəhriz əlavəsi 6 həftəlik və daha yaşlı pişik balalarının gündəlik pəhrizinə mükəmməl əlavədir. Tərkibində pişik balalarının sağlam inkişafı üçün bütün vitaminlər və minerallar var, biotin isə pişik balası üçün sağlam dəri və kürk təmin edir. B1 vitamini karbohidrat mübadiləsi üçün vacibdir. Vitamin B2 mərkəzi sinir sisteminin normal fəaliyyətinə kömək edir və dərinin sağlamlığını qoruyur. B5 vitamini yağ turşularının mitoxondriyaya daşınması üçün lazımdır, B6 isə amin turşularının, şəkərlərin və yağ turşularının mübadiləsi üçün vacibdir. Vitamin B12 yağ və karbohidrat mübadiləsində iştirak edir, anemiyanın qarşısını alır və nevroloji funksiyaları qoruyur. Vitamin H (biotin) sağlam dəri, parlaq xəz və möhkəm dırnaqlara kömək edir. Mikro və makro elementlər orqanizmin normal fəaliyyəti üçün zəruridir (toxumaların, qan hüceyrələrinin, hormonların, fermentlərin tərkibinə daxildir və maddələr mübadiləsində iştirak edir).
This dietary supplement is designed for kittens from 6 weeks of age. It contains all the essential vitamins and minerals important for a growing kitten. The biotin in the supplement ensures healthy skin and fur. The product includes biotin, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, and potassium.
Beaphar Kitty’s Mix is a vitamin-enriched treat designed for adult, pregnant, and nursing cats, as well as kittens from 6 weeks of age. It serves as a tasty and beneficial addition to their daily diet, providing essential vitamins and minerals that help strengthen their health and support their immune system.
Limited edition of beneficial and tasty treats for your pet! This dietary supplement consists of three types of heart-shaped tablets: white – with taurine and biotin (yogurt-flavored), pink – with protein (fish-flavored), yellow – with cheese flavor. Taurine supports the function of the heart and brain, and improves vision. Biotin maintains healthy skin and coat shine. Protein has a general strengthening effect on your cat’s health, while cheese adds variety to its daily menu.
BEAPHAR Kitty’s + Protein is a supplement with vitamins and minerals designed for adult cats. This product is intended to strengthen and support the animal’s immune system for a long, active, and healthy life.