Корм для кошек Darling 100% – это полноценный и сбалансированный влажный корм с курицей, без искусственных добавок. Корм способствует улучшению активности взрослых кошек. Кошке весом 4 кг необходимо 4 упаковки в день. Эта суточная доза рассчитана для взрослых кошек средней активности. Индивидуальные потребности кошек могут различаться, поэтому ежедневное количество пищи следует корректировать по мере необходимости для поддержания оптимального веса вашей кошки. Убедитесь, что во время кормления у вашей кошки всегда есть свежая питьевая вода.
Darling cat food is 100% complete and balanced wet food with Duck, without artificial additives. Food helps to improve the activity of adult cats. 4 kg cat needs 4 packs per day. This daily dose is based on moderately active adult cats, individual cat needs may vary and the daily amount of food should be adjusted as needed to maintain your cat’s optimal weight. Make sure your cat always has fresh drinking water available during feeding.
Корм для кошек Darling — это сбалансированный рацион, содержащий 100% все, что нужно кошке каждый день. Он сделан с любовью из качественных ингредиентов и содержит витамины и минералы, необходимые вашей кошке, чтобы быть здоровой, активной и приносить радость вашей семье. Никаких красителей, искусственных ароматизаторов и консервантов.
Корм для кошек Darling — это сбалансированный рацион, содержащий 100% все, что нужно кошке каждый день. Он сделан с любовью из качественных ингредиентов и содержит витамины и минералы, необходимые вашей кошке, чтобы быть здоровой, активной и приносить радость вашей семье. Никаких красителей, искусственных ароматизаторов и консервантов.
Darling cat food is a balanced diet that provides 100% of what your cat needs every day. Made with love from high-quality ingredients, it contains the vitamins and minerals your cat needs to be healthy, active, and bring joy to your family. No colorants or artificial flavorings and preservatives are added. For cats, variety in their diet is important, so we recommend combining dry and wet Darling food in their daily feeding routine.
Darling cat food offers balanced nutrition that includes everything your cat needs daily. Crafted with love from high-quality ingredients, it provides essential vitamins and minerals to keep your cat healthy, active, and a source of joy for your family. The formula is free from added colorants, artificial flavorings, and preservatives.
Dirofen tablets weighing 120 mg for kittens and puppies contain in 1 tablet as active ingredients: febantel – 15 mg, pyrantel pamoate – 15 mg, praziquantel – 5 mg, and excipients: lactose, calcium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide, talc, microcrystalline cellulose.
The drug appears as flat round tablets of light yellow color, with two perpendicular dividing lines on one side. The tablet may bear the company logo (AS) on the other side.
The drug is packaged in strips of laminated paper containing 6 tablets each and individually packed in cardboard boxes with instructions for use.
Dispensing conditions: over-the-counter without a veterinarian’s prescription.
The pet diapers are designed for female cats, cats, and dogs. They are used for urinary incontinence issues and during the heat cycle of the pet. For males, anatomically shaped diapers are suitable – disposable belts for males. Before choosing the size, measure the waist circumference of the pet and the required length of the diaper. Since dogs come in different shapes, please do not rely on the weight parameter of the animal. The approximate weight of the pet is 3-6 kg. Size S fits waist sizes from 30 to 45 cm, and the length of the diaper is 37 cm. The inner layer, which is in contact with the pet’s body, resembles cotton, soft, and comfortable, ensuring the pet’s skin remains dry. The diaper’s core is multi-layered, made of fluffy cellulose and super absorbent, allowing the liquid to be instantly absorbed and not leaked back, turning into an impermeable gel. The odor is retained inside the product. The elastic waistband along the waistline stretches on both sides, comfortably fitting the pet’s body and not hindering its movement. The double row of corrugated side panels reliably prevents leakage and provides greater protection for the animal. The pet product has an adjustable tail hole. You need to tear or cut the existing hole to the required size for your pet. This prevents the pet’s discharges from leaking past the diaper. The diapers are pink with a mesh ornament.