Chappi complete dry food is produced for dogs of all breeds from 1 year old. The balanced diet is enriched with all the beneficial substances, so it can be given to your pet daily throughout its life.
Wet premium nutrition for puppies of all breeds contains 73% of meat and meat ingredients in every piece and a special growth formula with high chicken content (25%) for healthy growth in the first 12 months of life.
Влажный корм премиум-класса содержит 801ТП3Т мяса и мясных ингредиентов, а также аппетитный желе в каждом кусочке, который прекрасно подходит собакам мелких пород весом до 10 кг и в возрасте от 1 года и старше.
The progestogen acetobumethone in the medication blocks mediobasal zones in the hypothalamus, which release gonadoliberins (FSH and LH releasing hormones). These hormones trigger the pituitary secretion of gonadotropins (FSH and LH), responsible for follicle development and ovulation in the ovaries. Ethinylestradiol, in combination with acetobumethone, enhances the contraceptive effect by altering the biological properties of vaginal mucus and cervical mucus viscosity, inhibiting sperm mobility, and preventing the implantation of a fertilized egg in the endometrium.
В качестве действующих веществ препарат содержит 0,12 мг ацетобуметона и 0,001 мг этинилэстрадиола. Вспомогательные вещества включают лактозу, картофельный крахмал, стеарат кальция и краситель тропеолин О. Он упакован в стрипы по 10 таблеток.
Darling dog food is 100% complete and balanced wet food with beef, without artificial additives. The food does not contain dyes, artificial additives and flavorings. Made with quality ingredients, it also contains Omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals to keep your dog healthy.
DARLING, dog food is a balanced diet that contains 100% everything a dog needs every day. It’s made with love from quality ingredients and also contains the Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals your dog needs to be healthy, active and bring joy to your family. No colorings and no added artificial flavors or preservatives.
Darling dog food is 100% complete and balanced wet food with lamb, without artificial additives. The food does not contain dyes, artificial additives and flavorings. Made with quality ingredients, it also contains Omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals to keep your dog healthy.
DARLING dog food is balanced nutrition that contains 100% of what your dog needs every day. It is made with love from quality ingredients and also contains Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals necessary for your dog to be healthy, active, and bring joy to your family.
Корм для собак Darling – это сбалансированный рацион, приготовленный с любовью, чтобы вы могли заботиться о своем питомце каждый день. Корм Дарлинг изготовлен из высококачественных ингредиентов и содержит витамины и минералы, необходимые для того, чтобы ваша собака была здоровой, активной и приносила радость вашей семье. Без добавления красителей.
Darling dry food for dogs is a balanced nutrition made with love, ensuring you can care for your pet every day. It is crafted from high-quality ingredients and includes essential vitamins and minerals to keep your dog healthy, active, and joyful. The formula is free from added colorants.
Dirofen tablets weighing 120 mg for kittens and puppies contain in 1 tablet as active ingredients: febantel – 15 mg, pyrantel pamoate – 15 mg, praziquantel – 5 mg, and excipients: lactose, calcium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide, talc, microcrystalline cellulose.
The drug appears as flat round tablets of light yellow color, with two perpendicular dividing lines on one side. The tablet may bear the company logo (AS) on the other side.
The drug is packaged in strips of laminated paper containing 6 tablets each and individually packed in cardboard boxes with instructions for use.
Dispensing conditions: over-the-counter without a veterinarian’s prescription.