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Джосидог Актив 15 кг



Definitely not for the lazy! JosiDog Active is an energy packed dog food for adult active dogs. This nourishing, gluten-free recipe has more vitality for all those doggies who just can’t keep still. Everyday athletes, performing on four paws! Whether training with your buddies, exercising on the dog park or doing sports with your favorite four-legged companion: This dry food provides them with all the energy they need. And all that, with no frills and only good ingredients.

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Definitely not for the lazy! JosiDog Active is an energy packed dog food for adult active dogs. This nourishing, gluten-free recipe has more vitality for all those doggies who just can’t keep still. Everyday athletes, performing on four paws! Whether training with your buddies, exercising on the dog park or doing sports with your favorite four-legged companion: This dry food provides them with all the energy they need. And all that, with no frills and only good ingredients.

Вы просматриваете: Джосидог Актив 15 кг 110,00 
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