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Vitapol Karmeo Premium Корм для хомяков 500 г



Vitapol Karmeo Premium is a high-quality hamster food. This premium blend has a reduced content of whole grains, replaced by high-quality pellets made from meadow hay. As a result, Karmeo boasts a higher fiber content, which improves digestion and ensures the proper functioning of the digestive system. The food is enriched with extruded ingredients, representing the most innovative source of nutrition. Extrusion facilitates easy protein digestion, enhances fiber absorption, and eliminates bacteria from the diet, making Karmeo a healthy, safe, and nutritious product. The granules and extrudates, enriched with dried herbs, vegetables, and fruits in their natural form, give each food its unique character and attractive taste.

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Vitapol Karmeo Premium is a high-quality hamster food. This premium blend has a reduced content of whole grains, replaced by high-quality pellets made from meadow hay. As a result, Karmeo boasts a higher fiber content, which improves digestion and ensures the proper functioning of the digestive system. The food is enriched with extruded ingredients, representing the most innovative source of nutrition. Extrusion facilitates easy protein digestion, enhances fiber absorption, and eliminates bacteria from the diet, making Karmeo a healthy, safe, and nutritious product. The granules and extrudates, enriched with dried herbs, vegetables, and fruits in their natural form, give each food its unique character and attractive taste.

Вы просматриваете: Vitapol Karmeo Premium Корм для хомяков 500 г 4,60 
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